Monday, December 22, 2014

Have a wonderful Holiday Break! Here's an update of what we will be doing upon return!

Scholars -    You should all be very proud of yourself and the work and love that you poured into your Spanish Project.  As always, we are very proud of you.  We hope that you enjoyed your Holiday Break and you have returned ready to conquer six weeks of learning.  Think of a goal you would like to make for yourself for these next six weeks.  What would you like to improve? What tools/support do you need to support it? Write that on the back of your BUZZ now.  Thank you to all of you for being so generous to us not only for the material items but for the beautiful and thoughtful notes, cards, and pictures! 

Parents – We hope you all had a wonderful break! Thank you to each of you who could attend the Learning Experience.  For those of you who were unable to make it we can send it to you electronically so you can see your child’s hard work.  This was an amazing project that they created!
Thank you for all of the generous gifts, cards, pictures, words, candy….we were overwhelmed with your generosity. Thank you! We have had an amazing 1.5 years with this group and it really comes down to your dedication and support.

Academics –

Math – Objective 5.OA 1&2 – Write and interpret numerical expressions(order of operations using brackets)

Reading – RI5.6 – Analyze multiple accounts of the same vent or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent(he said – she said)

Social Studies - .H.1 Analyze the chronology of key events in the United States.

5.H.1.3 Analyze the impact of major conflicts, battles, and wars on the development of our nation through Reconstruction

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