Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Schoolwide Box Top Challenge
Help our grade level win the Box Top Challenge. 
Have you asked....
asked your parents to advertise on Facebook? Twitter? Email?

Help Brassfield earn money to help our school be an every more amazing place to learn each day!!

G5/T2 - you have been challenged to take the lead and help 5th grade win this school wide competition!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Let's make this last week count!!

Scholars -  Your countdown is on for a break BUT you still have 5.5 days left to work hard and really absorb these new objectives in fractions.  We know they are difficult but if you can compare the fractions to your everyday life it will help you to have a better understanding and reasoning of them.  You have all divided fractions in your everyday life – have you ever helped pass out a snack and you had to give EACH person the same amount of the snack! You literally lived a fraction word problem;).  Are you using your time wisely? Ask yourselves that, keep yourselves accountable for YOU! Many of you are beginning to have your own organizational system and that is a lifelong skill.  If you have not established and organizational skill and you are still showing up to school or group unprepared – let’s brainstorm a system that works for you! Let’s practice now!  If you are in Kessler’s room please remember that you will be loading up your belongings and bringing them home on Thursday!  You can bring in your decorated(small paper bag) with your name on it on Tuesday.  We will have our celebration on Friday the 14th! We will share out kind notes to each other! Very simple!  Fill out your schedule on the buzz and write what you are going to do over trackout on the back!
Parents – This is our last week before trackout.  We are already half way through quarter 3! WOW! 3rd quarter is ALL fractions.  Please continue your child to take advantage of the materials on the blog.  There are videos to reinforce different skills that have been taught and video games that align with the standards that have been taught.  The kids have been working very hard and we are encouraging each child to really understand an organizational method that works for them.  This will be very important for them to have this down pat by middle school.  We will order the G5/T2 t-shirts over break(thank you Ms. Missy)!

Academics –                                                                          
Math – Objective 5.NF.3 – Interpret a fraction as a division problem with the numerator vs. denomenator

Reading – L5.2 – Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text