Monday, August 31, 2020

An Update from DUKE Tip



On behalf of everyone at Duke TIP, the Academic Talent Search team would like to welcome you to the start of a new school year and say, simply but emphatically, “Thank you.” Thank you for everything you do. The work you do is among the most important in the world.  

While we had hoped to open our online application to students and parents in August, we unfortunately are still working through some system issues. Please bear with us. We will be sure to alert you once the application is open. In the meantime, we’ve made several exciting changes to our talent search model—all designed to enhance our families’ experience with Duke TIP, and yours as well.
At, you’ll find a downloadable invitation form, as well as additional details and materials. We will not be mailing packets to schools this year. Instead, all materials are available digitally at

Regardless of what this new school year looks like for you and your colleagues at Brassfield Elementary, we realize that partnering with Duke TIP might not be your top priority right now, and we understand. We know you are facing some big challenges. But we know that the families of gifted kids need Duke TIP now more than ever as well. Thank you again. 

Simplicity—One Academic Talent Search 

In past years, we had a 7th Grade Talent Search and we had a 4th–6th Grade Talent Search. This year, we’re excited to announce one talent search that serves all TIP students in grades 4–12. Any eligible student in any grade between fourth and tenth can join Duke TIP at any time. Enrollment is open all year round. Once a student enrolls, they’re a TIPster for life—no need to ever re-enroll. 

Students join Duke TIP for a one-time, nonrefundable fee of $50. Joining is free for students whose families participate in free or reduced lunch programs, or who receive any number of other forms of financial assistance. Additional testing fees may apply—see below for details. 

When you’re identifying and notifying students, don’t worry if a student may already have joined Duke TIP before. The invitation provides important updated information on above-grade-level testing opportunities and other benefits that all students need to see.   

Our Name 

What used to be the Talent Search is now the Academic Talent Search. As we reach new audiences who may not be familiar with Duke TIP, we want to make absolutely sure our name speaks for itself and expresses our mission. 

Expanded Testing Choices 

Taking the ACT or SAT used to be required for seventh-grade TIPsters. That’s changing this year. All above-grade-level tests will be optional add-on features.  
  • The PSAT 8/9 is for 4th–6th graders and costs $45.
  • The SAT is for 7th and 8th graders and costs $57.
  • The ACT is for 7th–9th graders and costs $60.
Students who qualify for a fee waiver receive a 50 percent discount on their first PSAT 8/9 test, as well as one free ACT or SAT.

Duke TIP students will have the opportunity to take the PSAT 8/9, ACT, and SAT beginning in the winter and spring of 2021. Visit our website to learn more about dates and registration deadlines.

Savings+ Plan

Families can also choose to enroll in TIP's Savings+ Plan. This annual plan offers discounts on the PSAT 8/9, the ACT, the SAT, and educational programs, and also waives all program application fees—providing savings to families with multiple students or students who want to participate in multiple programs. 

Online Community 

We’re also debuting a new enrollment system called My TIP. This doesn’t really change what we’re asking you to do, but it should make the enrollment process simpler and faster for families. Educators should not create a My TIP account to enroll students; parents must enroll their own child under their own account.
Let us know if we may be of assistance to you in any way. We look forward to working with and supporting you this year! 

Very best wishes,
Duke TIP's Academic Talent Search Team

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