Monday, December 11, 2017

Spirit Week at Brassfield December 18th-21st! Join in on the fun!

                                 Holiday Spirit Week 
Merry​ ​Monday-​ Bring a kind note, snack, coffee, small gift, etc. to brighten up someone else’s day 

Tacky​ ​Tuesday​ ​-​ Ugly sweaters, elf socks, jingle bell jewelry etc. 

Warm​ ​&​ ​Cozy​ ​Wednesday​ - Wear hats, scarves, mittens, etc. 

Thermal​ ​Thursday​ ​- Pajama Party

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Learning Experience for 4th and 5th Friday, December 8th! Hope to see you there!

You are invited to the
Backyard Getaway
Travel Passport
Wax Museum
WHEN: December 8th @2:45 - 3:20

Who’s Class: Albert, Sholar, Nolan, Koester

Where: Cafe at Brassfield

What to expect: Please casually come and visit our stations as we showcase our talents and share our projects that we have worked on this year.

Free stock photos of planes · Pexels

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Learning Experience for the Envisions Program for 4th and 5th Grade!

You are invited to the
Backyard Getaway
Travel Passport
Wax Museum
WHEN: December 1st @2:45 - 3:20

Who’s Class: Danahy, Beyer, Topoll, Jones, Estrela

Where: Cafe at Brassfield

What to expect: Please casually come and visit our stations as we showcase our talents and share our projects that we have worked on this year.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Seesaw is now in the AIG Room! Please follow the directions below to follow your child's learning!

Dear Families,
This year we are using Seesaw to share and communicate with families! Your child will post to Seesaw to share their learning. I'll also use Seesaw to send you messages and reminders. Seesaw is private; you'll only see posts created by your child.
Please Sign Up Now
  1. Click on this link:
  2. Choose your child from the list
  3. Create your account
  4. Once I approve you, you can see content from your child
After you sign up, download the free Seesaw Family app and sign in. You can also access Seesaw from a computer at
Thank you for supporting your child's learning!
Stacy Kessler _ Staff - BrassfieldES
P.s. If you used Seesaw last year or have more than one child using Seesaw, follow the link above, then click the 'Sign in' tab at the top of the screen. You do not need to create a new account.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Science Olympiad is now at Brassfield! Come check it out! It is an amazing opportunity!

There will be a brief informational meeting for those interested in participating in Brassfield's Science Olympiad this Thursday (9/28) at 4:15 in the Media Center.  This club offers enrichment and extension science opportunities for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders culminating in a local spring tournament.  Students will choose areas of interest for self-study and partner work. Ms. Pelletier will serve as the team coach and facilitator. She has many resources available for a dynamic learning experience. Parents must help their child compile a study notebook, schedule study sessions with partners , and commit to tournament participation on May 5th or possibly May 12th.  For more information, visit
“Science Olympiad is a fantastic way to explore your passions in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. We look forward to seeing you at a tournament ...

Friday, August 11, 2017

CogAT Online Video Presentation
If you still have questions please stop by at one of these times
Any questions please email:
Parent CogAT Q & A Sessions
In room 117
Track 1
Thursday, August 17th
8:45 - 9:30
3:30 - 4:15
Tracks 2,3, 4
Wednesday, September 6th from 
8:45 - 9:30

3:30 - 4:15

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


My name is Stacy Kessler and I will be teaching the AIG scholars in the 2017-18 school year.  Mrs. Patti Carr has retired and is hoping to head to Wilmington to spend time with her family.

I have been working with Brassfield Families for the past six years as a track 2, 4th grade teacher.  I decided to begin pursuing my AIG licensure in January through DUKE and will complete all of my classes in December of 2017.

I would like to create an imaginative and welcoming space, in hopes of inspiring the scholars thinking.  If you have any yoga balls, beach chairs, bean bags, or any other creative seating item, we would love to use it in our room.  Also, I thought that each child could paint a 8 by 10” canvas on what they believe represents Imagination, creativity, ingenuity.  I will put them up in the room and when they leave Brassfield to move on, they may take their picture as a memory of their time in AIG.

Please always reach out with any questions.  I look forward to meeting each of you.  Please drop in and say hello as I am looking forward to working with your child and family.  Here is list of ways that we can “keep you in the loop” with your child’s learning.

Twitter Handle - Stacy Kessler@skessler13
Physical Location - Room 117
Brassfield phone number - (919) 870 - 8020

I do need a few supplies for your child.  If you could please have your child bring;
  • Composition Notebook
  • Folder
  • Blank 8 by 10’ canvas frame that we can mount on the wall

The wish list throughout the year is;
  • Clorox Wipes
  • Kleenex
  • Pencils
  • Flexible seating

Thank you for your time and I envision a successful and adventurous year.

Stacy Kessler

Friday, July 7, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-18 school year!

Hello Brassfield Families,
    This year offers me a new opportunity and challenge as I take on the role of the AIG teacher at Brassfield Elementary.  I have been teaching 4th grade, track 2, for the past six years at Brassfield but I am very excited as I take a new role in my career.  I am currently enrolled at DUKE working on my AIG certification and will graduate in December 2017.
     Please stop in to see me and introduce yourself and those families that I have worked with in my tenure at Brassfield, stop in to say hello.  I look forward to an exciting year ahead.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Learning Experience with Mr. Colon on June 27th - Check it out! We hope to see you there.

Hello Parents and Guardians!

I am excited to announce that your 4th Grader has been studying classical works in Music, and has approached directed listening through the lens of storytelling. Storytelling is rooted within our culture and has been a way to express the creative mind. Your student has created stories to supplement musical works and has transformed these stories into different medias (Artwork, poems, etc) to share with you! You are invited to join our Presentation Day on the following dates! During the presentations students will explain their creations while playing their classical works. These presentations will occur during their regular Specials  time (9:20-10:05). I am very excited for the students to have this opportunity to share their creativity with you! I hope to see you there!
 The Conductor Type Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

Tracks 2, 3, & 4: June 27th

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Carolina Ocean Studies Trip Itinerary

5:30-5:45 a.m.  Arrive at Brassfield and board busses
Busses will depart promptly at 6:00. Please be on time.  
8:30 Arrive at Carolina Beach Marina/ Boat registration -
Students must be in alphabetical order with their “Assumption of Risk” form. (Chaperones & teachers must also have the form filled out)
9:00-  “Winner Cruise Queen” boat ride.
9:30- Arrive at Masonboro Island - Educational stations (Three 25 minute stations)
11:30- Return boat ride to Carolina Beach
12-12:30- Lunch - Board bus and go to Carolina Beach State park to eat lunch at the picnic area
12:30 -1:30- Guided walking tour
2:00- Depart for school
5:00- Arrive at Brassfield

Field Trip Reminders:
Drop off time: Be in the back parking lot bus loop by 5:45 am
(Buses leave promptly at 6:00)
Items to bring:
  1. Change of clothes, shoes, & socks (Your feet will get wet!) No open toed shoes: flip flops, sandals, or crocks. Sneakers or water shoes are recommended.
  2. Bring a bottled drink and a hefty lunch. A snack for the bus. No glass containers.
  3. 2 plastic bags (grocery bag & Ziplock bag) - to carry change of clothes & shells from the beach
  4. Sunscreen/sunglasses
  5. Backpack to carry your belongings
  6. Students may bring your electronic devices. Ipads or other devices should remain on the bus. Students may bring cell phones/cameras on the boat trip, but they are responsible for them. Chaperones and teachers WILL NOT be responsible.
  7. Pillow / blanket for the bus ride is okay!
  8. Rated G or PG movies. (Bus has a DVD player)

Pick up time: Arrival back at school at 4:30 pm in the bus loop.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Poem in your Pocket day at Brassfield - Let's have some fun!

April is poetry month! To celebrate Jess Miller, Suzanne Averette  and Kathleen Harrell collaborated to put together pocket poems in celebration of Poem in Your Pocket Day, Thursday, April 27th. In the hallways you'll find pockets filled with poems and information on Poem in Your Pocket Day. Below are the important things to know: 
  • have a pocket and a poem ready to share April 27th (both kids and staff)
  • The pockets can be found in the hallways at Brassfield
  • take and leave poems in the pockets, poem that you leave can be ones you and/or your students have written or buy authors you love...the only rule is they need to fit in a pocket
  • be gentle (and tell your kids to be gentle) with the pockets 
  • more information can be found at and
We hope to spread the news in coming weeks on BTV, but in the meantime share the information with your students and celebrate the wonderful world of poetry this month! 

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


WHEN? Thursday April 6, 2017 from 2:30-3:30
WHERE? Brassfield Elementary Media Center
WHO? 4th grade Track 2 students

Dear Parents,
We are excited for you to join us at our living museum, as we transform into exotic animals or zookeepers to share our knowledge of animals and the adaptations needed to survive in unique habitats. Please join us!
Grade 4 Track

CommonLit Site!

Please click on the link below to get to the site to sign up.
CommonLit Link

You will join G4/T2 Site by using this code

Try first assignment -

After you finish the assignment - you may watch the video
Princess and the Pea Video

Friday, March 31, 2017

Stuart Gibbs will be at Quail Ridge Books!

Stuart Gibbs has many beloved ongoing mystery series: Spy SchoolFunJungle, and Moon Base Alpha.  He visits us for the first time on Tuesday, April 4, at 4:30 pm for Panda-monium, fourth in the FunJungle series. It's the day Panda-monium is published - time for a launch party! More mystery comes to FunJungle as Li Ping, the zoo's anxiously-awaited panda, goes missing from the truck transporting her.  The FBI is investigating, but Teddy Fitzroy, as FunJungle’s resident sleuth,  gets drawn into the case.  Who's going to be left bamboo-zled?  Ages 8+.
"Gibbs never scrimps on creating belly-laughing hullabaloo ... Interweaving animal facts (pandas can produce 50 pounds of poop per day) into his plot, the author seamlessly inspires compassion and urgency on behalf of species endangered due to lack of habitat and exotic animal trafficking." - Kirkus Review
Event date: 
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 4:30pm
Event address: 
North Hills
4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road
RaleighNC 27609

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

WHEN? Thursday April 6, 2017 from 2:30-3:30
WHERE? Brassfield Elementary Media Center
WHO? 4th grade Track 2 students

Dear Parents,
We are excited for you to join us at our living museum, as we transform into exotic animals or zookeepers to share our knowledge of animals and the adaptations needed to survive in unique habitats. Please join us!
Grade 4 Track 2

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Check out a way to help our Earth and Brassfield!

Duke is running an awesome program right now that will allow you to receive a FREE energy kit with lightbulbs and other energy saving tools.  All you have to do is go to this website MY ENERGY KIT 
Scroll down and fill out the information to receive your kit.  Make sure to choose Brassfield as your school.  For every 100 kits that our school requests, the school receives $250! The company also will choose 2 families that request a kit to win $1,000! Also, the school that requests the most kits will receive $2,500 for our school!
Please consider requesting a kit, it is completely free and only takes a few minutes to fill out :)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Need a trackout brain teaser? Give it a try!

You have fifty $1 bills in your wallet, and each morning you go to the store to buy dessert. Desserts always cost $1.25 and the clerk at the store always gives you three quarters as change. When you get home you always put the three quarters into a glass jar.

How many days will it be before you have a greater number of quarters in the jar then dollar bills in your wallet?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Spring Running Club Sign-ups!

Calling all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students that enjoy running and would like to prepare for a race (1 mile, 2 mile, or 5k). You should join the Brassfield running club!   During our weekly runs, we will work on building endurance and speed while fostering a love of running.  The club will begin on Wednesday, March 8th, and will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 3:45-4:45.  Our last running club will be Wednesday, May 17th.  The runners must be picked up promptly at 4:45 in the carpool parking lot loop.  We expect that all students participating in our running club will exhibit PAWS behavior. We will be participating in the Angels Among Us 5k on April 29th- see registration information in this sign up form! If you have questions, feel free to contact Libby Lipetzky ( or Annie Pakes (  Happy Running!

*Reminder: This form must be completed each season.  If your child participated in the fall you must still fill out this form for them to participate in the spring.*

Sign up for running club here

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Spring Book Fair is coming!

S'More fun with Books! The Brassfield Book Fair is almost here and the theme this year is campfire fun! Book Fair Dates are from February 24-March 8th. 

In addition, please join us for Media by Moonlight on March 7th from 5-7:30. There will be crafts, games, stories by the campfire by Mr. Wall and Mrs. Costa, and off coarse, S'Mores! Pre - orders for pizza will be sent out as we get closer to the event. Several literacy workshops will be offering focusing on Digital Literacy, writing about Reading, and picking "Good Fit" Books for your child. These workshops will be offered in classrooms around the learning commons. Please stop by with your children between 5-6:30 for some information on these topics as well as fun make-and-take craft for each topic! Also, as some of you may know, one of our 5th graders had a book published and will be at Media by Moonlight for a book signing event! 

As always there will be a "guess how many jar" game which will run the entire Book Fair. Funds raised from the game help buy books for Brassfield students who would otherwise not be able to buy one. Prizes will include a camping themed package and other great stuff!

Backpack buddies food drive will be going on during the Book Fair. There will be a collection box near the Book Fair area. 

Lastly, we can't do any of these without our volunteers

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Jump Rope for Heart

It's time to get ready for our school’s Jump Rope for Heart kick-off as we join the American Heart Association and learn that being active equals fun all while raising money to save lives in our own community.

Do you have your fundraising page yet? If not, you might want to quickly register your page and get started on fundraising so that you can receive Gabby!  Who is Gabby? She is our long armed giraffe that your student can receive when you raise $150.00 online before our school’s Jump Rope for Heart kick off.
Need to register your student and fundraising page?  No problem. Here are four easy steps to be on your way to fundraising and saving lives.

  1. Go to and search for your school area
  2. Once you find your school, click on Join the Team
  3. Create a username and password and then fill out the registration form
  4. Share your personal fundraising link with friends and family right away.

Once your student has their fundraising page then login to take the Zoo Crew Ecard Challenge or the Zoo Crew Daily Mission to unlock cool things in your expedition! Thank you for joining us as we challenge each other to keep our heart healthy and raise money for kids with special hearts.  After you have logged in, take this year’s ZOO CREW ECARD CHALLENGE!  

  1. Choose One of our Zoo Crew and Upload a Photo
  2. Take a Challenge to Improve your own Heart Health
  3. Share with 10 Friends & Challenge them too!

Once you do this you will have earned Rory's Zoo Crew Badge! You can wear him on your lanyard with the rest of the Zoo Crew. Check in with your teacher as she has this badge.
Congrats, once you take the challenge you have officially gone WILD about heart health by being physically active and eating more fruits and veggies!

Thank you and good luck!