Thursday, June 11, 2015

Family Picnic Information from Margaret Nobles

Hello G5T2 Families,

Our picnic is this Saturday, June 13, at Durant Road Nature Park from 11:00 - 1:00.  There are still lots of items needed, please see the following SignUp Genius if you have not already volunteered:

Looking forward to lots of fun! Hope to see you all there!

Volunteers and Drills Needed!

Please see the following message from our fabulous Art Specialist, Ms Pakes:

I have a bunch of flower and bee sculptures that I have left over from track 1's scrap wood that I was hoping your class could complete before graduation. My vision is that they could be installed along the fence of the playground before your students graduate with some sort of recognition to who made them. The only problem is that in order for the sculptures to be drilled with bottlecaps, I would need extra hands and extra battery operated drills. 

I currently have 3 drills for 6 tables of students in my classroom. My goal is to see if you or your awesome parents could donate 3 more drills and about 4 adult volunteers for us to use on both Tuesday, June 23 for Graf AND Thursday, June 25 for Kessler. Let me know if this is possible to put in your newsletters. If you need more information, I would be happy to provide it to you all. :) I'm sorry for the timing being so close to EOGs but it might give some students an incentive to be on their best behavior when EOGs are over?

Thanks for being amazing!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Welcome Back! We have missed you!

  • Mrs. Graf tracked into room 311! See you Wednesday morning!
  • We still need many pictures of your beautiful smiles! Please get them in to Ms. Kessler!
  • Mrs. Nobles will be collecting $12.00 for the PTA for our Graduation Ceremony 
  • What is your most unique quality? We did not receive many of your responses!
  • Wednesday, June 3: Track in! - Bring back your best selves as we plan on rocking it out until the end of June.
    • Tracks 2, 3, 4
      6/16: Reading
      6/17: Math
      6/18: Science
      6/19: Reading Makeups
      6/23: Math Makeups
      6/24: Science Makeups and Read to Achieve test
  • Saturday, June 13: G5T2 Picnic at Durant Road Nature Park, 11:00 - 1:00.
  • Tuesday, June 30:  LAST DAY OF SCHOOL AND 5TH GRADE CELEBRATION! There will be LOTS of fun going on!  IMPORTANT: For the slideshow presentation, each child must provide a BABY PICTURE in digital format.  Please email your child's baby picture to Ms Kessler or Ms Graf

Monday, June 1, 2015

A message from Transportation Services

The phone call was sent to current riders who are eligible for transportation, and requested that they inform us if they have changes to their ridership. These families can make changes via our online form, available  

This voicemail message will be available on the transportation intranet this afternoon.

More information about transportation for 2015-16 will be sent to you soon.


David Neter & Robert Snidemiller